...e la mamma?/...and what about mum?

...e la mamma?

vorrei essere ricca, 
famosa e importante
...e la mamma?

vorrei dire, fare 
cose interessanti
...e la mamma?

vorrei diventare una star  
e firmare mille autografi
...e la mamma?

vorrei visitare paesi 
lontani, sconosciuti
...e la mamma?

vorrei scalare una montagna, 
nuotare nell'oceano
...e la mamma?

vorrei inventare 
una pillola per la felicità
...e la mamma?

vorrei curare 
tutti i mali del mondo
...e la mamma?

vorrei vivere per sempre
...e la mamma?

(mia madre non ha 
mai espresso
tutti quei desideri 
ma amava cantare, ballare
e raccontare storie)
 ...and what about mum?

I wish to be rich
famous, important
...did mum?

I wish to say and do 
interesting things
...did mum?

I wish to be a star
sign lots of autographs
...did mum?

I wish to visit 
new distant lands
...did mum?

I wish to climb mountains 
swim in the ocean
...did mum?

I wish to invent a pill 
for happiness
...did mum?

I wish to heal all 
diseases in the world
...did mum?

I wish to live forever
...did mum?

©misspoetmiki  image & words

(my mum never expressed 
all those wishes
but she loved singing, 
dancing and telling stories)

Antonietta, 11-01-1924/21-01-2009


Lori said…
I also sometimes wonder about the dreams of my mother, and my grandmother. To know them as more than just how I knew them. To know them as they knew themselves.
©misspoetmiki said…
Yes, I do too, and I suspect they weren't as ambitious as us because they didn't have much information as we do today.

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