Quando la prigionia mette le ali...
Nora era una persona arzilla e vivace; la vecchiaia non apparteneva a lei, anche se aveva oltrepassato la soglia dell'anzianità tanto tempo fa. Era una persona umile d'aspetto e docile nel parlare. Andava a giro con una bicicletta su cui attaccava tanti sacchetti e se ne andava per la città a piedi spingendola ma allo stesso tempo ci si appoggiava sopra. Il clima non era un ostacolo per Nora; la vedevo regolarmente fuori in qualsiasi stagione - pioggia, vento, freddo o caldo non l'avrebbero fermata! Mi chiedevo chi fosse e cosa portava in quei sacchetti.
Nora era una persona arzilla e vivace; la vecchiaia non apparteneva a lei, anche se aveva oltrepassato la soglia dell'anzianità tanto tempo fa. Era una persona umile d'aspetto e docile nel parlare. Andava a giro con una bicicletta su cui attaccava tanti sacchetti e se ne andava per la città a piedi spingendola ma allo stesso tempo ci si appoggiava sopra. Il clima non era un ostacolo per Nora; la vedevo regolarmente fuori in qualsiasi stagione - pioggia, vento, freddo o caldo non l'avrebbero fermata! Mi chiedevo chi fosse e cosa portava in quei sacchetti.
Un giorno, la vidi sulla sua bici svoltare in un vicolo; non aveva i sacchetti appesi alla bici, solo una grande borsa nel cestino. Decisi di seguirla per risolvere il mistero di Nora. Si fermò davanti ai cassonetti dei rifiuti che si trovavano di fronte alla prigione. Aprì il coperchio di quello degli organici e si tuffò in avanti; iniziò a prelevare gli avanzi buttati dentro al cassonetto, mettendoli in diversi sacchetti che appoggiava sulla bici. Mentre riempiva i sacchetti decine di uccelli erano atterrati formando un cerchio intorno al cassonetto. La guardavano con le bocche spalancate e attendevano che lei li notasse. Certamente, Nora sapeva della loro presenza e si voltava ogni tanto gettandogli del cibo, su cui loro si avventavano come falchi e divoravano tutto in un istante! Poi, quando aveva raccolto abbastanza, caricò tutto sulla bici e si diresse verso la sua meta, con tutti gli uccelli che le correvano dietro.
A chi altri era destinato quel cibo nei sacchetti? Non lo so. Comunque sia, pensai a quei prigionieri e come non tutto il male vien per nuocere...grazie a Nora...!
One day, I saw her on her bike turning into an alleyway; she didn’t have any bags hanging on the bike, just a large one in the basket. I decided to follow her to solve the mystery of Norah. She stopped by the waste bins, which were in front of the prison. She opened the lid of the organic one and dived forward and began picking up the scraps thrown into the bin, putting them in different bags, which she hung on her bike. While she was filling the bags, dozens of birds had landed in a circle around the bin. They looked at her with their mouths wide open waiting for her to notice them. Of course, Norah knew of their presence and turned round occasionally throwing some food on the ground, on which they rushed like hawks, devouring everything instantly! Then, when she had collected enough, she loaded everything on her bike and headed toward her destination, with all the birds running after her.
Who else was the food in the bags for?
I don’t know. Anyway, I thought of those prisoners, and how all clouds have a silver lining...thanks to Norah...!
©misspoetmiki words & image
A chi altri era destinato quel cibo nei sacchetti? Non lo so. Comunque sia, pensai a quei prigionieri e come non tutto il male vien per nuocere...grazie a Nora...!
When prison gets wings ...
Norah was a sprightly, lively person and old age didn’t belong to her, even if she had crossed the threshold of the elderly a long time ago. She was humble in her look and sweet in her speech. She went around with a bike on which she hung so many bags and went to the city on foot pushing it but at the same time leaning on it. The climate wasn’t an obstacle for Norah; I saw her regularly outside in any season - rain, wind, cold or hot weather wouldn’t stop her! I wondered who she was and what she had in those bags.
Norah was a sprightly, lively person and old age didn’t belong to her, even if she had crossed the threshold of the elderly a long time ago. She was humble in her look and sweet in her speech. She went around with a bike on which she hung so many bags and went to the city on foot pushing it but at the same time leaning on it. The climate wasn’t an obstacle for Norah; I saw her regularly outside in any season - rain, wind, cold or hot weather wouldn’t stop her! I wondered who she was and what she had in those bags.
One day, I saw her on her bike turning into an alleyway; she didn’t have any bags hanging on the bike, just a large one in the basket. I decided to follow her to solve the mystery of Norah. She stopped by the waste bins, which were in front of the prison. She opened the lid of the organic one and dived forward and began picking up the scraps thrown into the bin, putting them in different bags, which she hung on her bike. While she was filling the bags, dozens of birds had landed in a circle around the bin. They looked at her with their mouths wide open waiting for her to notice them. Of course, Norah knew of their presence and turned round occasionally throwing some food on the ground, on which they rushed like hawks, devouring everything instantly! Then, when she had collected enough, she loaded everything on her bike and headed toward her destination, with all the birds running after her.
Who else was the food in the bags for?
I don’t know. Anyway, I thought of those prisoners, and how all clouds have a silver lining...thanks to Norah...!
©misspoetmiki words & image