Piccola katy/Little Katy

Piccola katy

Piccola katy si svegliava presto la mattina, correva alla finestra e guardava fuori. C'era molta gente che si affrettava a destra e sinistra, in macchine ferme al semaforo o a piedi sul marciapiede. Katy invidiava i grandi; erano liberi di andare dove volevano e fare tutto quello che desideravano, non come lei costretta a stare lì chiusa in casa. La mamma le diceva di non aprire a nessuno e lei ubbidiva. 

Tuttavia, sognava una vita diversa. Lei libera e forte che camminava sicura per la strada vestita come voleva, sorridendo alla gente lungo il cammino e saltellando qua e là.

Passarono gli anni e katy continuava ad ubbidire alla mamma. Si sposò, ebbe figli e la sua vita era sempre la stessa, ogni giorno uguale: faccende da sbrigare, i figli da accudire, la spesa da fare, il lavoro...la vita era una gran corsa!

Un giorno mentre s'affrettava fuori sul marciapiede, guardò in su per un istante, vide una bambina affacciata alla finestra che la guardava...pensò...strana la vita...

  Little Katy

Little Katy always woke up early in the morning, ran to the window and looked out. There were a lot of people rushing around in all directions, in cars waiting at the traffic-lights or walking on the pavement. Katy envied grown-ups, they were free to do what they pleased, go where they wanted, not like her, she had to stay locked up in her home. Her mother would tell her never to open to anyone and she obeyed.

Yet, she dreamed of a different life. She would walk in the street head up high, strong and free, dressed as she fancied, smiling at everyone she met along the way, jumping back and forth.

The years went by and Katy went on obeying her mother. She got married, had children and her life was always the same: housework to carry out, kids to look after, shopping to do, work... life was hard!

One day, as she was hurrying out on the pavement, she looked up just for a moment, saw a little girl looking at her and she thought... how strange life is...

𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝓟𝓸𝓮𝓽 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓲  

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