Per te/For you

Per te 

per te io
volevo essere bella

per te io
volevo essere pura

per te io
volevo avere coraggio

per te io
volevo fosse un miraggio

per te io
volevo tu fossi stupito

per te io
avrei anche tradito

per te io
darei tutta la mia vita!

For you 

for you I
wished to be beautiful

for you I
wished to be pure

for you I
wished to be strong

for you I
wished to be magic

for you I
wished to be wonder

for you I
would have betrayed

for you I
would give my whole life! 

©misspoetmiki image & words


Lori said…
To be everything for someone even at the betrayal of oneself. There is such deep desire and wanting here.
©misspoetmiki said…
Thanks Lori! You know when I was younger I made a confusion between man and God. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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