You and me bis /Io e te bis

You and me bis 

I savor the thought of you 
my precious escapade
in a sea of troubles
I treasure your words
they lie here in my heart

sweet memories we cherish
passionate nights abound
warmth and affection
caring for each other
this cannot be denied

meeting again is inevitable
death is no impediment
love has no time limit
it will be first time over
for you and me my love

for our love goes beyond
all earthly expectations
rising sensation of unity 
and liberty inside our souls 
forever more...

Io e te bis 

 assaporo il pensiero di te
 il  mio prezioso rifugio
 in un mare di guai
 faccio tesoro delle tue parole
 si trovano qui nel mio cuore

 dolci ricordi che conserviamo
 notti di passione abbondano
di calore e affetto
 prendendosi cura l'uno dell'altro
 questo non si può negare

 rincontrarsi è inevitabile
 la morte non è un impedimento
 l'amore non ha limiti di tempo
 sarà come la prima volta
 per me e per te amore mio

 perché il nostro amore va oltre
 tutte le aspettative terrene
  crescente sensazione di unità
 e libertà dentro le nostre anime
 per l'eternità...

©misspoetmiki words only


Lori said…
What a lovely thought. "Meeting again is inevitable/death is no impediment" those we are destined to love we will love again and again!
©misspoetmiki said…
Yes I believe that is true.
Thank you so much Lori!
Hugs xx
Lori said…
I'm sorry I missed so many great poems! I was subscribed to your blog but I wasn't getting sent any of your posts. I just resubscribed, so hopefully that works.
©misspoetmiki said…
Oh sorry to hear that. Try clicking the reading list on your dashboard. I should be there because you follow me. Well I can see your posts there. :)
Lori said…
The weird thing is I wasn't getting them in my reading list either. I unfollowed and then followed again. So, hoping that fixes it. :)

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